The implication is that surely a woman would never do something despicable in a 911 call. Remember Susan Smith who drowned her two young boys in a lake. (The car sank slowly). She called 911 and said two black men had kidnapped the boys.
As with all cases involving women comitting a serious crime all reporte
rs cannot resist using their favorite word BIZARRE. A toddler was murdered in Florida in 2008 probably at the hands of her mother. The mother's name is Casey Anthony. When the murderer or perpetrator is of the female persuasion the media ALWAYS leads the public along with a tone suggesting this is an anomaly. Count how many times the word BIZARRE comes up. They love it, especially the female commentators because it cannotes something out of the ordinary. The subtext being men do this, not women. "It's just so bizarre!" How many times do we hear of infants being found in dumpsters put their by the birth mothers. A lot. Then there are the murderers who cut out the babies from other women.

Just down the road the same week as Wendy Murphy's sarcastic introduction Darlene Haynes, 23, was eight months pregnant when she was found mutilated dead in a closet in her apartment. Her unborn daughter, whom family said she planned to name Sheila Marie, had been cut out and taken. 35-year-old Julie Corey, who is accused of kidnapping the baby and fleeing to New Hampshire, was arrested and was ordered held on $2 million bail . She did not waive extradition to be brought back to Massachusetts, and the judge scheduled a hearing for Aug. 30.
Several times in recent years the women have killed the fetus too. We don't know the names of these women. They should be demonized as much as a name we know, Scott Peterson, who committed the exact same crime. Boy do we know his name.
I have always said that if you take a transcript of an Oprah Winfrey show which is almost exclusively based on women's issues and inserted the "N" word in place of the word "man" or "men" it would sound like a Ku Klux Klan rally. The atmosphere in the country has been this way for quite some time.en this way for quite some time.
Not too long ago a survey was conducted of 1000 radio and tv commercials. It was looking for a percentage of those 1000 commercials which depicted men as stupid, clueless or buffoons. They were shocked to learn that ALL 1000 commercials depicted men this way.
It has spilled into family court. I know this from personal experience. My story there would be enough for a separate blog. Let's just say my ex kept remarrying, then had abusive husband (number 3) adopt my daughter without my consent, changing husbands and states 3 times. I didn't know where my daughter was most of those years, so where was I supposed to send a child support check? My daugther is now 39. I haven't seen her since she was 8. The courts protected my ex all along the way. Every time pandering Oprah or those of her ilk talk about deadbeat dads I am right there in the statistics..
Walter Conkite just died. The "journalist" Katie Couric who sits in his chair on The CBS Evening News once giggled about a husband being castrated when she was on the Today Show. If her ambulance chasing partner Matt Lauer had snickered about female castration I think his career would have been over.
I agree with comedienne Paula Poundstone when she couldn't understand the glee some women had about the ending of the movie "Thelma and Louise" She said "Excuse me, murder is a crime."

The movie "Monster" makes some effort in explaining the reasons for serial killer Aileen Wournos. Let's quote from a review : "In the film it seemed that Wuornos killed to keep Selby happy and in love with her. There may be some truth to this, but I'm sure that the real Aileen Wuornos wanted the money just as much for herself. The real Wuornos had previously served t
ime in jail for robbery. She was also previously married to a wealthy elderly man who had their marriage annulled, claiming that Wuornos had beat him with his cane to get more money
out of him. The movie chose to ignore much of the deviant behavior in Wuornos' past. Instead, its focus was on a more compassionate side of Wuornos that was likely not as prevalent in reality. In the end, I realize that this is a movie and that most people in the audience will be unaware of Wuornos' life prior to what was chronicled in the film . However, the often caring, human side that I saw in the film may be more fiction than reality." By the way it is doubtful the star of the film Charlize Theron entered the project with an open mind. You see Charlize's mother in real life murdered her father. Charlize mother said it was self defense and was not charged. Charlize was 15 and watched the shooting.

One more Hollywood reference. When I went to San Diego State Film School in the early seventies my writing teacher Nate Monaster former head of the Writer's Guild went out of his way to say he hated Jerry Lewis, so did visiting speakers Rod Serling and director Jerry Paris. It was because he would be not only obnoxious as a film director but wouldn't let the crew do their jobs, micromanaging and screaming at everyone on the set. Barbra Streisand does the same thing and they say people call her difficult because she's a woman. No. She's Jerry Lewis.
Researchers say that 25 per cent of SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome cases are actually murders by the mothers, benignly referred to as Munchausen by proxy. I say there must be many cases where women aren't even investigated in murder cases because they put blinders on. They are afflicted by TJTB syndrome. "That's just too bizarre."

When male teachers have an affair with a female student they are viewed as
rapists, pure and simple. No psychologists pile into tv studios to examine the motivation of these men.. When Mary Kay Letourneau is convicted of statutory rape she gets a sympathetic phone call from Oprah and is deemed as "in love".

Recently on a new MSNBC show "Morning Meeting" with Dylin Ratigan there was a story regarding a drunk driving conviction of a woman in a case where many people were killed. This lead to a discussion of recent statistics which show female DUI's are on the rise while DUI's of men are declining. Women on the panel went directly into an insane defensive mode. Well women are more in business now and they are smaller in stature and in these informal business meetings they are asked to match drink for drink. I'm 63, a male and NEVER EVER in business or otherwise have been pressured to match drink for drink on any ocassion. As for physical stature one would therefore conclude that Mickey Rooney would have killed a thousand people by now.
I want equality. If you think Jerry Lewis is an ass don't base it on his anatomy. The same goes for Barbra Steisand. If you think a teacher is wrong to have sex with a student please don't say boys enjoy it more and the female teacher is just in love. Male and female teachers doing that are equally statutory rapists. If a parent murders a child they are equally murderers. Save the reasons for criminologists.
Instead of knocking three men having a beer at the White House (which was the suggestion of the cop) I'd love to know about women sitting down with men and having some drinks and talking without demonizing each other.
But then there was the immature lunch meetings on "Sex and The City". That show was very sucessful. Should we say it's a girl thing? Bizarre world.
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Excellent. Spot on.
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