Monday, April 28, 2008


The smiling creature in the red robes is worse than Tony Soprano, has effected more lives than any mafia don you can think of.

The Organized Crime Control Act (U.S., 1970) defines organized crime as "The unlawful activities of ... a highly organized, disciplined association...". Sounds about right. We will go through the statistics
offered by reputable studies on the WORLDWIDE (not just here as suggested by the last Pope who they are rushing to make a saint) molestation of altar boys. Let's see how "The Holy Father" stacks up in the evil derby against Osama.

Just as I was formulating this as my next blog, Bill Maher beat me to the punch. Organized religion is organized religion and abused teenagers, male or female, brainwashed or not, are abused teenagers. So I don't think Bill Maher was comparing apples and oranges when he said the following on a recent show. " I know what you're thinking. Bill, you can't be saying that the Catholic Church is no better than this creepy Texas cult. For one thing, altar boys can't even get pregnant. But really, what tripped up the little cult on the prairie was that they only abused hundreds of kids, not thousands all over the world. Cults get raided; religions get parades.
How does the Catholic Church get away with all of their buggery? Volume, volume, volume. If you have a few hundred followers and you let some of them molest children, they call you a cult leader. If you have a billion, they call you pope."

The Pope, used to be called Cardinal Ratzinger, perfect name for a former Nazi don't you think. Oh yes, he was a teenager and forced into it. Mmmmmmm, sound familiar. I guess since he chose not to climb into the hills of Switzerland a la Julie Andrews and the kids, but to remain and shoot anti aircraft guns at American planes for well over a year, he thinks thousands upon thousands of altarboys should stick with the program of getting raped over and over again. Why make waves? These guys have uniforms. But I digress.

Cardinal Ratzinger was Frank Nitti to Pope John Paul II's Al Capone. In the job John Paul Capone gave him, Ratzinger Nitti wrote a memo to the bishops instructing them to cover up for the child raping priests until their statute of limitations ran out. That can't be true you say. Well it is and he did a lot more to conspire to let these priests continue, all over the world. What if the head of Time Warner, Hershey Chocolate, or United Airlines, or you or me for that matter, were found to have been involved in a conspiracy to not only cover up but to encourage (through transfers) the molestation and rape of thousands of young boys? You can imagine the length of sentences handed down. So what did the United States do a few weeks ago? Gave him the parades and fancy lunches Maher speaks of.


In May 2005 lawyers for Pope Benedict XVI asked US President George W. Bush to declare the pontiff immune from liability in a lawsuit that accuses him of conspiring to cover up the molestation of three boys by a seminarian in Texas. Texas, it's not another country. But hey, if you think you are and want to go, go. You won't escape Frank Nitti though. He's global.

The Vatican's embassy in Washington sent a diplomatic memo to the State Department on May 20, 2005 requesting the US government grant the pope immunity because he is a head of state, according to a May 26 motion submitted by the pope's lawyers in US District Court for the Southern Division of Texas in Houston.
Joseph Ratzinger was named as a defendant in the civil lawsuit. Now Benedict XVI, accused of conspiring with the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston to cover up the abuse during the mid-1990s. The suit sought unspecified monetary damages.

International legal experts said it would be "virtually impossible" for the case to succeed because the pope, as a head of state, had diplomatic immunity. "There's really no question at all, not the vaguest legal doubt, that he's immune from the suit, period," said Paolo Carozza, an international law specialist at the University of Notre Dame Law School.

Nevertheless, lawyers for abuse victims said the case was significant because previous attempts to implicate the Vatican, the pope or other high-ranking church officials in US sex abuse proceedings failed - primarily because of immunity claims and the difficulty serving top Vatican officials with US lawsuits.

Attorney Daniel Shea, who represented one of the three boys in the civil suit in Houston, said that then-Cardinal Ratzinger, who headed the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith before becoming pope, was involved in a conspiracy to hide Patino-Arango's crimes and to help him escape prosecution.

In the lawsuit, Shea cited that May 18, 2001, letter from Ratzinger, written in Latin to bishops around the world, explaining that "grave" crimes such as the sexual abuse of minors would be handled by his congregation. The proceedings of special church tribunals handling the cases were subject to "pontifical secret," Ratzinger's letter says. "Ratzinger's involvement arises out of this letter, which demonstrates the clear intent to conceal the crimes involved," Shea said.

Well, George W. pardoned the current Pope in advance anyway, just to be safe and just like Ford did for Nixon. But for thousands of victims their long nightmare will never be over.

The John Jay Report was commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and was based on surveys completed by the Catholic dioceses in the United States. So we are talking about a report based on a truth level tantamount to....pick your poison...General Westmoreland's body count in Vietnam, or , say Colin Powell, the man who back then helped cover up the Mi Lai massacre..yeah that guy, who gave such a masterful report on all those WMDs in his report to sell the Iraq war at the UN. Whatever, let's just go with the phony low ball numbers of The John Jay Report..4,392 priests in the U.S. alone. Instead of hundreds of altarboys as has been widely reported for many many priests, let's give them ten a piece. That's slightly under 44,000 lives severely damaged. How many died on 911? under 4,000 I think.

Unlike Osama, the Pope couldn't run into a cave. He had better digs. Why run? Was there anybody with any real power chasing him? The U. S. bishops did their part. Even though they were running from responsibility, fighting the suits at every turn, a lot of victims won in court. What did the church do? Of course on instructions from the Vatican, the following dioceses declared bankruptcy to beat the financial rap. Portland, Oregon. Spokane, Washington. Tuscon Arizona. Davenport, Iowa. San Diego, Ca.

And what does Bill O'Reilly say about Maher? That it's open season on Christians, yes the old liberal bias, not mentioning that Maher, like George Carlin, is an equal opportunity attacker when it comes to organized religion.

I sometimes think I could have stopped O'Reilly. I didn't know it at the time but when I was a senior at Chaminade High School on long Island in 1964, O'Reilly was a freshman. Don't know what I could've done but maybe if it was gonna be bad PR for the school and the Church, those wonderful Marist Brothers would have covered it up for me.

Other Celebrity graduates of my high school: Actor Brian Dennehy, class of '56, who for years gave interviews elaborating his military service in Vietnam. He later begged the author of "Stolen Valour" not to publish that Dennehy had never gotten further than Guam. The one that got me to tell them to cancel their alumni junk mail to me, was former Senator Alphonse D'amato, class of '55. I watched on C-Span as a vote was being debated on the senate floor to provide a little money to the poor workers at Studebaker who had lost their pensions. Never had I seen such passion on tv as D'amato shouted that hey shouldn't get a dime. Ahh, what would Jesus do, Al? No need to ask, haven't spoken to him lately but if he's like some say he is, he left the building while Ratzinger was at that anti aircraft gun.

So Little King George, you say, " wanted, dead or alive" for Osama, then pardon and have lunch with Ratzinger. I say they are both evil but the guy at lunch wins the prize.

Recommended viewing: Rent a DVD documentary called "Deliver Us From Evil"

Go to a theater and see "Religulous" this October , Bill Maher's documentary on organized religion.

Friday, April 4, 2008


These are the unpleasant facts.

Heather Mills and Paul McCartney announced their separation in 2006, leading to an acrimonious divorce battle, the run-up to which was played out in public, most notably in the British tabloids.
In March 2008, Mills was awarded £24.3 million ($48.7 million), plus payments of £35,000 ($70,000) per annum, and nanny and school costs for their daughter, Beatrice.
In his judgment, Mr Justice Bennett described Mills as a "kindly person" who is devoted to her charitable causes, with a strong-willed and determined personality, who has shown great fortitude in overcoming her disability, and who argued her case with a "steely, yet courteous, determination." He added that he regretted to say her testimony appeared "inconsistent and inaccurate", and "less than candid." Feelings reportedly ran high during the hearing, to the point where Mills poured a jug of water over the head of McCartney's solicitor, Fiona Shackleton

Apparently Heather wound up with less than she was offered before she became her own attorney, a measely 48 million. She then declared victory, must be a McCain fan. Yes Paul can afford it. But how did she earn THAT much? If his first wife Linda got something like that I could see it. Linda, who was the love of his life, was a part of his band, Wings.

This is just a poor excuse for me to drift back to when I saw the Beatles in person. It was August 1964 and it was to be the Beatles first appearance in New York. No not Shea Stadium. And by the way, Boomers and others, Elvis Presley's first television network appearance was NOT The Ed Sullivan Show. The answer is down below. *

My father was riding high as part owner of an advertising agency located on the second floor of the Look Building at 488 Madison Avenue in New York City। Look was a long ago magazine that rivaled Life Magazine. It was the summer after my graduation from high school and I was the office boy. Our receptionist was Playboy Bunny material so this 18 year old had a tendency to hang aroung the front desk. I overheard her on the phone with a ticket broker. She was saying "really? No kidding." I said "What? What?" She put her hand over the mouthpiece and said that a company had just pulled out of purchasing the last 40 tickets to the first Beatles concert in New York City. I said "Hold the phone." Thus began my first business deal.

I went into my father's wall to wall white office and said I needed to borrow $280. right away. Yes, the Beatle tickets were $7. each. He said "Are you sure? " I told him this Beatle thing is big and I could make some money. That afternoon the tickets were mine.

Several of my friends of course wanted to go। But I had 40 tickets. I went all around Long Island telling people I had those last tickets to the Beatles. They didn't believe the tickets were real. In the end the tickets were sold to friends and friends of friends at $8 a piece.
So the big night arrived. We all drove into Queens to the Forest Hills Tennis Stadium where summer concerts happen every year. It is horsehoe shaped, seating 14,000, a stage opposite the horsehoe, grass down below. It was summer so plenty bright at 7 pm. The most excited in our group was Tim McGrath. He was a little twisted, later to survive Viet Nam, somewhat more twisted. He had a tendancy to unexpectedly break into singing the song "Sukiyaki" by Japanese crooner Kyu Sakamoto, which was a big hit here in 1963।

We waited the next hour as the seats filled up with an alarming amout of 13 year old girls। We waited some more as the sun started to sink. Everyone started to clap impatiently. Then the sound of a helicopter was heard approaching. It was a big blue one. Out beyond the stage was still more grass and that's where the helicopter landed. You could see them running toward the back of the stage: Ringo, John, Paul and George. Those 13 year old girls began to scream. They would never stop.

They took the stage। Down on the grass separating the seats and the stage there were wire fence baricades every 20 feet. Police were near the fences and the stage. While the girls screamed they constantly took flashbulb pictures. They went into their second song. We still couldn't hear them. Song three. Song Four. Tim Mcgrath was now holding his head bent down beneath his knees softly singing a very depressed version of "Sukiyaki".

Song Five, screaming and flashbulbs still going, three girls decided to go for it. They were climbing over the barriers down on the grass. Cops were trying to head them off. But one tall girl was beating the odds. Just missing a cop at the last barrier she got up onto the stage and wrapped herself around George Harrison's leg. Another girl almost made it but was tackled by a cop right on stage. More were coming. That was the end - 5 songs, 26 minutes. We didn't hear a note.

We could see them run back onto the helicopter. Shocked isn't quite the word to capture how we felt. I had planned that we go to manhattan that night to a comedy club called "Jackie Cannon's Rat Fink Room". ( 90 per cent of all comedians in the 50's 60's and 70's had the first name Jackie) It was fun but not enough to ease our pain.

We certainly detested those 13 year old girls।

Beware, they are 57 now and still out there. And so is Heather.

*Elvis Presley's first network television appearance was on January 28th 1956 on "Stage Show" starring Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, a summer replacement for Jackie Gleason. Presley didn't appear on Ed Sullivan until Sept. 9th, 1956